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Benefits of wearing a mouthguard

Do you play contact sports? Do you wear padding, helmets, and protective gear while playing sports? Do you avoid wearing a mouthguard while playing sports? If so, continue to read

Do you have teeth sensitivity?

Do you get a painful jolt when you eat or drink hot or cold foods? Dentine hypersensitivity or teeth sensitivity is a common dental problem that develops over time due

The Benefits of Dental Implants

A dental implant is a high-tech replacement tooth that is attached to the jawbone. Generally, dental implants are made from titanium or non-metal white zirconia which is inserted into the

How to cope with dental anxiety?

Do you get anxious visiting the dentist? According to a study by the Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health by the University of Adelaide, high dental fear affects approximately

Is it Safe to Visit the Dentist?

With the coronavirus disease now deemed a pandemic by the World Health Organisation, the Australian Dental Association provides updated information about preventive measures that should be applied by dental clinics.