So, you are pregnant? Congratulations! Your life will change because your first priority is the wellbeing and safe birth of your baby. Pregnancy can be a demanding time for you and your body. You will start taking more care about yourself, but most often than not, many pregnant women neglect a very important part of their overall health – Their Oral Health!
More and more scientists are starting to agree that good oral health is a very important factor in your overall health. Pregnant women are more prone to plaque build-up because of hormonal changes during pregnancy. Plaque build-up can lead to gingivitis or swollen/bleeding gums and thereafter to periodontitis. There is evidence to suggest that caries-causing bacteria can also be passed from mothers to babies.
In addition to gum disease, pregnant women can also develop inflammatory non-cancerous tumours that appear when swollen gums are irritated which might need a dentist to remove them. Hence, it is very important to educate yourself on taking proper care of your oral heath before, after and especially during pregnancy.
If you are planning a pregnancy, you can take a few steps before you conceive to educate yourself on reducing the risk of any oral health problems developing during or after your pregnancy.
Make an appointment with your dentist
Your dentist can check for swollen or bleeding gums, untreated dental decay, cavities, mucosal lesions, any signs of infection or trauma.
Create an oral health plan
You can ask your dentist to record your conversation to track how pregnancy can affect your oral health and take the necessary steps to address any possible complications.

After your pregnancy is confirmed, one of the check boxes you need to tick is maintaining oral care so you can enjoy a happy and healthy pregnancy. There are a few things to ensure your oral health is not impacting on your baby and it is growing safe.
Make an appointment with your dentist
Make another appointment confirming your pregnancy or as early as possible if you did not have the opportunity to have one before you got pregnant. Your dentist should create a plan on what is best for you and your baby and take care of all the possible problems in your mouth. While people think visiting a dentist during pregnancy is risky, it is safe and strongly advised to see your dentist while you are pregnant.
Eat healthy and drink water regularly
While pregnant, your eating habits will change. However, follow a balanced diet and include healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole-grain products, dairy products, fish, chicken, eggs, beans, and nuts. It is important for pregnant women to have a minimum dose of folic acid everyday as prescribed by the doctor, but you can also eat high-folate foods such as leafy vegetables, beans, citrus fruits, whole grains, and folate-enriched cereals and bread. You need to avoid foods which contain a lot of sugar like candy, cookies, cake and dried food and try to drink more water instead of flavoured drinks. It is also very important to read labels to check ingredients and sugar levels.
Be careful with your oral hygiene
Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss once a day. Replace your toothbrush or brush heads in your electric brush more frequently than normal to avoid bacteria build-up.
What to do for morning sickness?
Rinse your mouth with a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water, to stop acid from attacking your teeth. Change your standard toothpaste to a blander taste.
Other healthy practices
It is very critical to stop alcoholic drinks and smoking. Also, ensure you avoid second hand smoking in public places.

Having a brand-new baby will change your whole life. While it is important to ensure that the baby gets your undivided attention, please do not neglect your health, especially your oral health. You would not know how pregnancy might have affected your mouth, so it is very critical to continue to take proper care of your teeth and gums.
Continue taking care of your mouth
Even with an easy delivery, after nine months of carrying someone inside you, it is very tempting to let go. However, good oral health is not only important during pregnancy, but is an extremely important part of your overall health and well-being.
Take care of your baby’s gums and teeth
Feed your baby healthy foods (ideally 6 months of breastfeeding before starting other foods). Set up an appointment with your dentist to consult him on taking care of your toddler’s teeth when they sprout.
Make an appointment with your dentist
Make an appointment for yourself to check for any problems that might have developed during the pregnancy or to fix any issues that were postponed after the delivery of the baby. Certain medications are not recommended if you are nursing, so dental procedures that require these should only be used in emergencies.
There are many things to consider during pregnancy, but none as important as the well-being of the mother and baby. It is important to consult with a doctor and dentist before, during and after your pregnancy to ensure you bring out a healthy human into the world.
Want to book an appointment?
Book an appointment online by clicking here. Call our friendly team on 3390 6100 or email us.
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